Fostering and Adopting
Making the decision to become a foster parent or adoptive parent is one of the most powerful, life-changing decisions that you can make. And we don't mean just for the children; the love and joy that fostering and adopting brings is unmatched. Whether you are just curious about the process or are looking for an organization to guide you through the process, know that you can rely on Keystone Family Alliance to help.

Become a foster parent in Pennsylvania today!
It's common to sometimes struggle while raising and caring for children, but there are sadly some families that have significant obstacles, to the point where children are no longer considered healthy of safe in their home. In Pennsylvania alone, there are 14,000 children in foster care without enough homes to place them in. All the state group homes are full, and we've heard numerous stories of social workers going above and beyond to provide a safe place for these children. What's even more difficult is there are a limited number of registered foster families who will accept sibling groups or children age eight and above. But at Keystone Family Alliance, we firmly believe that there are more than enough people willing to help in Pennsylvania to ensure there is always more than enough for every foster child. Keystone Family Alliance is looking to recruit three new foster families in each of the 500 Pennsylvania school district who are willing to accept sibling groups and children over the age of eight.


Sign up to get more details from Keystone Family Alliance regarding fostering in Pennsylvania.

Find the Keystone Family Alliance resources local to your area. Use the button below to access our interactive map of Pennsylvania, guiding you towards the County Coordinator local to you who can help guide you on the start of your fostering journey.

Keystone Family Alliance makes its full network of support available to you as a foster parent!
Keystone Family Alliance can engineer a Care Community of local volunteers to help with chores, meals, transportation, and more.
Our Gateway Network allows you to post any need you have and local volunteers can meet the need!

Adopt and become the forever home that Pennsylvania children are desperately searching for.
The team at Keystone Family Alliance knows that there is an overwhelming amount of information available to those who are looking to grow their family through adoption. We are here to help you simplify this and make the best decision for your family, and in the end, help put vulnerable children into safe and loving homes. Whether you are interested in infant adoption, adoption of an older child through foster care, or are seeking a home study for work with another agency or private attorney, Keystone Family Alliance can help you sort through information, decide what is best, and guide you through the process.
Sadly, we know that adoption for children over the age of eight and the adoption of sibling groups is a difficult ask for many. But at Keystone Family Alliance, we firmly believe that there are more than enough people willing to help in Pennsylvania to ensure there is always more than enough for every child awaiting adoption. We know that every year, there are almost 1,100 children who "age out" of the state system. We also know that nearly 80% of those boys will be in jail before two years and nearly 70% of the girls will be pregnant and single before they turn 21. But if we can work together to find them a forever family, those stories can be rewritten.


Sign up to get more details from Keystone Family Alliance regarding adopting in Pennsylvania.

Find the Keystone Family Alliance resources local to your area. Use the button below to access our interactive map of Pennsylvania, guiding you towards the County Coordinator local to you who can help guide you on the start of your fostering journey.

Keystone Family Alliance makes its support network available to you as an adoptive parent!
Adoption is one of the most meaningful journeys you may ever embark on, and Keystone Family Alliance is here to help guide you in the right direction to ensure you meet your adoption goals.